Sunday, January 1, 2012

Intricate Snowflakes

It is the first day of a new year. No snow in New England, yet.
My morning began with everyday activities of getting out the door for church with an eight year old.
Today felt different.
I had a sense of deep longing this morning as Elisha and I made our way into the santuary at church.
I love the worship there.
I can get lost in the music unto God.
January 1, 2012 marks a very signifant journey for me as I come into it with the knowledge that chemo treatment (round # 2 in the ring) will begin before the month is over.
"You see sickness and impossibilty, where I see health and all things are possible through me" was brought forth in a profetic word of hope today. HealingHope.
I cling to that good word, and to the God who has made my body, and has set my feet upon the rock to endure this next storm.

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